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God, Humans and Science

Attention! Is it needed?

What do we all need to survive? Air, Food, Water, Shelter! Yea this looks good, maybe you would add love, family, or friends but among all these needs attention is also like a basic need in one’s life. We are most of the time unaware of it and some try to pretend that they don’t need it and that’s a good tactic nowadays to attract people in Social Media. Attention is a concept of Cognitive Psychology, the science of what you think, or what people think. It is not just focusing on the specific stimulus but sometimes it’s like fulfilling your needs of attention even you not knowing about it.

During childhood days when you are unable to speak and need something, you start crying to get attention from your parents, and slowly when you learn something new you try to go to your mom dad and share it with them cause you like the appreciation, attention, and love they give you in return. People think and create an image that the child is so good, cute, and loving by seeing this behavior.  But when we grow up and then try to share your achievements, love, thoughts then people start thinking that are you mad or what. The major fact is that the need for attention goes on increasing from childhood to youth and social media plays a very big role in this phase.

Going to relationships we usually feel like trust and love play major roles in making better relations, but according to the research attention also plays a major role in it. It is been said that people having a good relationship for a longer period is due to they give positive attention more when need rather than giving negative attention. When your friend is ill and you try to call or text him/her for the betterment and that shows your positive attention towards them. And at times there comes a situation like you just think and leave people for one mistake and forgetting all the good things they have done for you, and this is because you are giving negative attention to the mistake they made. You can think about it positively and try to forget it. We all think that it is natural but we pay attention to all small things about our loved ones do and we like it when other people give that positive attention to us. We people usually try to get attention from our surroundings maybe by our way of talking, the clothes we wear, or other abilities.

We all know that excess of anything is always bad and the same is with this, everything goes good until you are getting attention but when not, people seem to be a little uncomfortable, lonely, or not in a good mood. Such people when trying a lot and could not succeed, build up a belief that they are not worth it. Also when people lose their intimate connection with their loved ones, or due to lack of social contact they just regret themselves and call themselves lonely people. Also, some try to gain attention by playing the card of this loneliness.

When people feel that they are ostracized or someone leaves them which they don’t deserve, what they do is become an active stalker or just keeps on thinking of their loss and this creates a bad impact on their thoughts and behavior.  People tend to have a personality disorder due to this. Also, the recovery from this becomes too hard with passing time. The crime rate due to the need for attention and stalker is increasing at an alarming rate which includes rape, suicide, murders, etc. Such crimes are named as crimes of attention.

We as humans should take care of various matters that we don’t go in the same hole and also always be positive and ready to help others facing such situations. No matter anyone is there or not, your parents are always your best option to share your problems and stories. Everyone has problems in their life; many feel lonely or depressed but never feel shame in sharing them.

Hope you got some knowledge or information from this. And don’t forget to write down your views about it in the comment box below.


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