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Showing posts from September, 2020

God, Humans and Science

Attention! Is it needed?

What do we all need to survive? Air, Food, Water, Shelter! Yea this looks good, maybe you would add love, family, or friends but among all these needs attention is also like a basic need in one’s life. We are most of the time unaware of it and some try to pretend that they don’t need it and that’s a good tactic nowadays to attract people in Social Media. Attention is a concept of Cognitive Psychology , the science of what you think, or what people think. It is not just focusing on the specific stimulus but sometimes it’s like fulfilling your needs of attention even you not knowing about it. During childhood days when you are unable to speak and need something, you start crying to get attention from your parents, and slowly when you learn something new you try to go to your mom dad and share it with them cause you like the appreciation, attention, and love they give you in return. People think and create an image that the child is so good, cute, and loving by seeing this behavior.  ...

25 Things to try in College

  College is the unique phase of every student's life where you enter the campus as a student or a child and leave it as a mature and grown-up person. No matter how big your college is or how small it is, but the memories and the experience that 4 or 5 years add to your life justifies what you will be in the future and how good a person you are. So we are going to cover up 25 moments or things in the college life one should never miss and just try to live the fullest of these moments. All right, so let's dive into the topic. 1.) Interact with everyone I know everything feels new in the initial days, all the people around you, the place, environment, but instead of being composed, just talk to everyone around you and get to know about them. It will help you a lot. 2.) Join a club Every college has some clubs in them, just join one or two of them you like as per the accordance or your interest and this will truly help you to connect new people and get to the about the eve...


#VIKAS_GAYAB_HAI , One of the trending topics on Twitter, gaining a lot of attention due to the realization of truth to many people. Well the duty of people is not actually comparing the drawbacks of the previous government with the new one, but people should actually question the progress and what actually, the new government is doing for the betterment of the country. Before a party comes into the ruling, it publically declares policies and aims that they would focus on and improve in their ruling period which we call it as Manifesto. So not actually considering the latest manifesto of 2019 we just jump at the start that is the promises Shri Narendra Modi gave in 2014 manifesto. Their main goal was 'Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat'   with the path 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' . Well, saying words is easy but implementing them is always hard so not talking about all the promises let’s just focus on a few main promises.   Price Rise Promise: Special courts to stop ho...